UKAGP Events

Events by UKAGP members

Filtering by: “Face to Face”

Climate change in the consulting room
to 18 Nov

Climate change in the consulting room

This 2-day seminar is relevant for anyone who wants to reflect on the impact the climate crisis has on the human psyche and how in turn the human psyche impacts on the state of the world. How might our theory and practice need to adapt in order to become more porous to the world?

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Marianne Fry Lecture 2023

Marianne Fry Lecture 2023

2020 was a watershed year in the fight for racial equality across the global north. The death, nay murder, of George Floyd in America led to the re-recognition of just how poorly persons of colour were seen and treated.

Dwight writes: This experience filtered into the world of counselling and psychotherapy and it was at this stage that, as a practitioner myself, I recognised that I had become adapted within a white supremacist framework in order to survive accordingly. Based on the ideas presented in my new book The Psychology of Supremacy, this talk will look at how and why these adaptations exist and occur and what it means for the racialised other to exist within white environments.

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Women and Gestalt Gathering
to 20 Sept

Women and Gestalt Gathering

Announcing the very first Women and Gestalt Gathering!

It will be held at the time of the Autumn Equinox and on the second day of the moon cycle in the beautiful country of Ireland. The Gathering reflects and honors the rhythms of the sacred landscape around us in Ennistymon, County Clare, and calls upon women to open more deeply to the sacred landscape and rhythms within.

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GPTI Residential Conference
to 17 Sept

GPTI Residential Conference


The GPTI community started an open dialogue last year on the theme of Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversity (GSRD) and agreed that this would be continued and expanded at the residential conference. In responding to this, GPTI wanted to offer the opportunity to explore our understanding and felt a sense of our experience, and the ways we resonate (or don’t) within our wider situations.

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A Day of Connection
to 7 Jul

A Day of Connection

Our annual conference, including AGM, will be a one-day event taking place at Holiday Inn Bloomsbury in London on 1st July 2023.

Our conference provides a day for connection across our Gestalt community, for members and non-members of the UK Association of Gestalt Practitioners. If you are passionate about Gestalt and want a day of connection then come and join us. If you are curious about Gestalt and not yet part of the community come and join us.

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